The Capsule (2018)
The capsule is a sound installation, it's a result of artistic research in Roznama Studio program as I've been one of the participants in the programe for 6 months.
My practice through the 6 months was searching in the meaning of noise specially in the big cities such as Cairo, the research was sound base, day by day I've tried to limit my research till I've reached the most interesting subject for me (Metro Station), I started recording sounds, conversations and fights inside the trains with my mobile phone through every day journey from my house to my studio and I found that I'm so interested in the social connection between people and how they communicate/react with each other through this space in their daily life. I dig through this connection till I came with a 12 minutes sound journey.
The Capsule had been shown in the closing public event at Rozanama Studio, October, 2018.
Audience were meant to enter to the show room in a one group together after reading a very short text defining what will happen in the dark room, since they enter the room and take their seats on the floor, I play the sound.
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A picture for a malfunctioned metro tickets machine covered with a picture by anonymous in Maadi metro station Helwan/ El-Marg (The First Line), Cairo
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"The Capsule" Exhibited in "Roznama 6" closing event at Roznama studio, Cairo, September, 2018.
Roznama 7" exhibition at Medrar for contemporary art, Cairo, April, 2019.
"Shubbak El Fann" at Goethe-Institut, Alexandria, October, 2019.